
Beginner Gym Workouts for Women: The EvolveYou Guide

Entering the gym for the first time can be a daunting experience, especially when you're unsure of what to do or where to start. That’s why we’re here to help make that first step easier, providing you with an essential beginners gym guide, so that you feel comfortable and confident around the gym.

From evolveyou-team | Apr 22, 2024

Everyone starts somewhere

On social media and even at the gym, it can seem like everyone knows what they are doing. However it’s important to remember that everyone started at the beginning. Even your favourite EvolveYou trainers had to take their first steps  entering a gym (and most likely felt the way you’re feeling now).

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great”

Anyone who wants to get somewhere in life has to start their journey. No one is amazing when they first start out and that’s worth remembering. So although you may feel like you’re lacking the confidence or are unsure of what to do, by just showing up, getting your workout done and staying consistent, we promise that overtime, you’ll feel at home and how you’re feeling now will become a distant memory!

Getting Started

Before you jump straight into workouts, it's crucial to set the right foundation. You need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve with your gym sessions. Your fitness goal could be anything from weight loss, strength training, enhancing stamina, or improving your mental health. Identifying your goal will guide your workout routines and help you keep track of progress.

Set Your Schedule

Now that you’ve identified what your goal is, choosing your program and setting your schedule are going to be key to helping you not only get started, but to stay consistent with your gym routine. Once you’ve selected your goal and chosen your program, your EvolveYou app will take all the guesswork out, as it’ll add your workouts to your planner - meaning all you need to do is show up and get your workout done. 

Krissy Cela in Summer Sweat

Showing up 

So you’ve chosen your goal, selected your plan and set your schedule, now it’s time to show up and get your workout done. When it comes to entering the gym we know that showing up can feel like the hardest part. To overcome up this:

  1. Stick to the date/time you’ve set: Research has shown that it can take as little as 3 minutes to change our mind, so don’t over think and just go!
  2. Play your favourite music or podcast: This will help motivate, inspire and get you in the mood on your way there
  3. Plan your route: It’s so easy to put your workout off if there is traffic or if it’s raining. Instead of letting excuses get the better of you, plan how you’ll get there and also have a plan b. This way if it’s raining, you know what bus to take, or if the roads are busy you can walk or cycle.

Understanding the Gym

You’ve made it, of course you did! Now it’s time to get familiar with your gym. Gyms can vary greatly in size and the equipment they offer, but most will have similar basic amenities:

  • Cardio Equipment: Treadmills, ellipticals, stationary bikes, and stair climbers are common cardio machines you'll find at most gyms. These machines are perfect for warming up, burning calories, and enhancing cardiovascular health.
  • Resistance Machines: These include leg press machines, lat pull-down machines, chest press machines, etc. They target specific muscle groups and are a great starting point for strength training, as they guide your movements and help avoid injury.
  • Free Weights: Barbells, dumbbells, and kettlebells fall under this category. Free weights allow a broader range of movement compared to machines, so they can be a bit more challenging for beginners but are excellent for developing overall strength and balance.
  • Functional Training Area: This is where you'll find exercise balls, resistance bands, battle ropes, and space for bodyweight exercises. Functional training can improve your balance, coordination, and flexibility.
  • Group Fitness Class Room: Many gyms offer group fitness classes such as Zumba, yoga, spinning, Pilates, and more. These classes can make workouts fun, interactive, and motivational.

Before you start your workout, have someone show you around or have a walk around yourself and get familiar with where everything is. This will help you feel more comfortable as you move through your workout.

Choosing Equipment

Your EvolveYou program will always guide you with what equipment to use for each exercise. Each of our programs have been carefully created by our world-class experts to support you where you need to be. However, if you’re wondering what equipment is best for beginners, generally it comes down to dumbbells and machines. This is because gym machines provide guided and supported movement, allowing you to go heavier and build strength in a safer way. Similarly dumbbells are great because they help you build up your core strength and enhance your stability, building a strong foundation from the get-go. Plus they can be more manageable when you’re working out compared to other pieces of equipment like a barbell.

Ask For Help

Like we said everyone starts somewhere and even you’ve an avid gym goer, we all need a little help from time to time. If you’re unsure of how to use a piece of equipment or uncertain with how to perform a particular exercise, don’t suffer with your own thoughts. Instead:

1. Ask a staff member for help
There will always be qualified PTs or staff members to help you with what you need .

2. Watch/read the EvolveYou videos and in-app descriptions
To work out with confidence and to ensure you know what you’re doing we’ve created a description and video for every exercise.

The Bottom Line

Embarking on your fitness journey at the gym can be intimidating, but remember that everyone starts from the beginning. By showing up, staying consistent, and setting clear goals, you'll feel more comfortable and confident over time. Start by setting your fitness goal and choosing a program that aligns with it. Stick to your schedule and find ways to motivate yourself, such as listening to your favourite music or podcast. Once you're at the gym, familiarise yourself with the equipment, including cardio machines, resistance machines, free weights, and functional training areas. For beginners, dumbbells and machines are often recommended. Don't hesitate to ask for help from staff members or consult the resources available in your fitness app. The most important thing is to keep going, stay consistent, and enjoy your fitness journey. Remember, you're taking the first steps towards a healthier and stronger you.

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Alice Fontecilla
Alice Fontecilla is a qualified personal trainer and sports massage therapist with over 7 years of experience in the world of health and fitness. She also holds a Gestalt counselling certificate as she believes true health stems from a harmonious mind, body and soul.

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