
Embracing Strength: Shattering Unrealistic Body Expectations in the Health and Beauty Industry

A narrative of 'perfection' is spun, leaving many women to grapple with unrealistic body expectations and an often distorted self-image.

From evolveyou-team | Apr 22, 2024

It's been long observed that the world of beauty and fashion often presents a one-dimensional, airbrushed view of women's bodies. Sculpted, delicate, and almost invariably slim, these images often fail to capture the diversity and power inherent in the female form. A narrative of 'perfection' is spun, leaving many women to grapple with unrealistic body expectations and an often distorted self-image.

The images, taken by photographer Howard Schatz  for his 2002 book, Athlete, recently resurfaced, reminding us of the diversity of women's bodies.

Howard Schatz: Athlete

Enter Howard Schatz's photography. Schatz's work stands as a testament to the strength and diversity of the female body. His subjects, ranging from basketball players to weightlifters, flaunt their hard-earned muscles with pride and confidence. Each image celebrates a different form of female strength, each body uniquely conditioned by its sport.

Schatz's photos offer a stark contrast to the traditional images that flood our media. Here you can find a breadth of female leaders, tall, small, lean, and large. They represent strong, athletic women, their bodies honed and shaped not by societal expectations, but by the demands of their chosen sport. They are a living testament that strength, power, and muscle are not solely the domain of men.

Our Message

At EvolveYou our main goal is to change women’s lives by building confidence through fitness and community. Our ultimate goal is to give people the confidence to workout and feel good no matter how they look, because you should do it for you not others! The above work is a highlight that you can’t choose how you look but only do the best with what you were given. 

Our cofounder Krissy Cela has faced much of the taboo of the industry on her journey promoting bodybuilding or strength training, but has remained steadfast in the face of it. It doesn’t take long to scroll on instagram to find a negative comment based on appearance. People like Krissy, and our other amazing trainers are helping push back against what is a fairly ingrained problem in society.

Women’s Strength Taboo

It’s time to dump the taboo suggesting that women should shy away from strength training for fear of appearing 'too masculine' or 'bulky'. Strength is not gender-exclusive. It's a testament to discipline, hard work, and the drive to push one's limits. Strength training, like any form of physical activity, should be embraced not for the sole purpose of achieving a certain aesthetic, but for the sheer joy and health benefits it brings.

The journey towards strength is transformative. It is larger than the physical change, working on our mental wellbeing. As we lift weights, we also lift the burdens of societal expectations, of self-doubt, and of the fear of being 'too much' or 'not enough'. We become stronger, more resilient, and more attuned to our bodies. We learn to appreciate our bodies not just for how they look, but for what they can do.

Getting Started

Whether it is with the EvolveYou free trial or some other material you find online there is no time like the present to get started. Nobody regrets working out but plenty regret not starting. Start simple with a couple of quick full body beginner workouts a week and build the habit of fitness from there. With the EvolveYou app you can start at home and if you enjoy it enough progress to the gym later. Strength training can be brilliant fun at the start as you see beginner gains appear at a fast pace! After no time you will see the holistic benefits of incorporating exercise into your life.


Strength is about confidence. It's about owning your power and loving your body, irrespective of societal expectations. It's about understanding that strength comes in many forms and that each one is valid and worthy of celebration. Every woman's strength journey is unique, and every step taken towards embracing that strength is a victory.

So, let's lift those weights and shatter those glass ceilings. The journey towards strength is not just about building muscles; it's about building confidence, resilience, and a deep-rooted love for oneself. And remember, you are not alone on this journey. There's a whole community of strong women out there, ready to lift you up and celebrate your victories, every step of the way.

Remember, strength doesn't have a 'look'. It has a feel, a power, and a beauty all its own. It's time we redefine what it means to be a strong woman, and it's time we celebrate every woman who chooses to embark on this journey. Because at the end of the day, being strong is about being unapologetically, confidently, and uniquely you.

Let’s do this!

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Alice Fontecilla
Alice Fontecilla is a qualified personal trainer and sports massage therapist with over 7 years of experience in the world of health and fitness. She also holds a Gestalt counselling certificate as she believes true health stems from a harmonious mind, body and soul.

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